BAEPS became a member of Bulgaria Climate Coalition

BAEPS became a member of Bulgaria Climate Coalition as a natural consequence of its work to promote electric mobility as a step towards cleaner, greener and human friendly environment. Transport is the third main emiiter of greenhouse gases in the world. Electric mobiles, as a zero CO2 emitter, are one of the leading solutions to the problem. That is why BAEPS decided to join efforts with other Bulagarian organizations in our common goal to reduce human impact on the climate and the consequences of the climate changes.

The Coalition comprises non-governmental organisations, companies, individual members and people working or active in the area of mitigating or preventing anthropogenic climate change around the world. The BCC conducts advocacy and public awareness campaigns in Bulgaria and takes part in international events, campaigns and initiatives. On an institutional level, the Coalition contributes to drafting proposals and opinions on official plans, strategies and legislation directly or indirectly related to climate change. Representatives of the Coalition take part in inter-departmental working groups and councils of citizens working on a national and international level.

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